07681 SBRM-AGTL DMU SPL Train Route
Abount Train 07681 SBRM-AGTL DMU SPL
07681 SBRM-AGTL DMU SPL, Sabroom to Agartala runs Daily, has classes GN. Pantry is not available. Fare does not include food cost. Total travel time of the train is 2 hr, 25 min. Average speed is 45 km/hr. Advance reservation period (ARP) is 60 days. 07681 SBRM-AGTL DMU SPL is owned by Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR). Its rake is shared with
, . Ordinary fare is applicable.07681 SBRM-AGTL DMU SPL category type is Special. It is a Broad Gauge train.