RPF / GRP Helpline in Train
Complaint to RPF / GRP :-
RPF Helpline Dial : 182

Twitter Account list for Complaint to RPF :
- RPF Northern Railway :- @NRRPF
- RPF Central Railway :- @rpfcr
- RPF East Central Rly :- @rpfecr
- RPF Western Railway :- @rpfwr1
- RPF South East Central Railway :- @rpfsecr
Forms to lodge First Information Report/Complaint to Police are now available with the Coach attendants, Conductors, Guards, RPF train escorts in Running Trains and with RPF Assistance Posts, RPF Post / Outpost at important Railway stations. The affected passengers are requested to fill in the forms with relevant information and hand it over to the above mentioned Railway Officials/RPF Personnel. The same shall be promptly forwarded to the GRP concerned for further necessary action.
Passengers are not required to break their journey for lodging their complaints with the police.
Performance for lodging complaint /Report by passengers in case of theft of their luggage, Robbery or dacoity in running train is as under:
- Name of complainant
- Present address in full
- Nearest Railway station to the permanent residence
- Telephone No.
- Date of occurrence
- Place of Occurrence
- Place, where the complainant detected the occurrence
- Train No. and Name
- Bogie No.
- Class in which traveling (Put mark):
- A.C, I Class/AC Sleeper/I class/II class 2 Tier/3 tier/General II class.
- Ticket No.
- Name of stations in between which occurrence took place
- Particulars of property looted or stolen and estimate cost thereof
- Brief particulars of the incident (Theft/Robbery/Dacoity)
- Name of the person or persons suspected with descriptive roll name and address, if known.
- The station, where the suspect entrained.
- The station, where the suspect detrained.
- The station, where such suspect wanted to go.
- Where you traveling with family.
- Did the suspect show sympathy towards you to provide seat or place to sleep or advised to put box attached at certain particular place?
- Addition information to be furnished about occurrence of robbery/dacoity.
For more Details:- Click Here
Government Railway Police (GRP) Helpline :
The duties of the GRP (Government Railway Police) as regards the areas in their jurisdiction correspond in general to those of the District Police in the areas under their charge. The Government Railway Police have in addition the following special duties:
- Control of passenger traffic within station premises, especially on platforms, in booking offices, waiting halls, at entrance and exit gates and wherever specially required in emergencies by the station officials.
- Control of vehicular and other traffic in station precincts.
- Maintenance of order in passenger trains halted at stations and prevention of over-crowding in carriages
- Supervision of loaded passenger trains standing in station
- Arrest of persons guilty of committing nuisance, removal of persons suffering from infectious diseases and keeping of station premises clear of beggars.
- Examination of empty carriages on arrival at terminal stations for property left behind by passengers and inspection of carriages with a view to seeing that fittings have not been tampered with.
- Removal of bodies of persons who dies in trains or on station premises and conveyance to hospital of sick passengers.
- To report to the proper authorities railway or civil the commission of offences under the Railways Act, and cases of fraud or oppression on the part of railway personnel.
- To enquire into accidents on railway.
- To render assistance to railway officers and to the traveling public in so far as the rendering of such assistance is compatible with their own duties as Police officers.
The Government Railway Police are responsible generally for the prevention and detection of crime on railways. The protection of goods-sheds, goods-wagons at stations and parcel offices is not duty of the Railway Police, but of the Railway Protection Force of the Railway.
With the introduction of amendment in RPF and Railways Act, implications for GRP are as under:-
- 36,600 GRP personnel of the country will be able to focus their attention on heinous crimes specially rape in trains and other crimes against women.
- While GRP will continue to do policing for Railways, it will get more time to concentrate on investigation of heinous crimes.
- GRP can be utilized for track patrolling and for effective investigation in cases of sabotage as defined in sections 150, 151 & 152 of The Railways Act.