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2018-04-12 12:31About

About Us

eRail.in is a team of dedicated members, who are passionate about Indian Railway Trains.

Contact Email : info@erail.in
Contact Person : Giriraj Bissa
Mobile Number : (+91) 9952419371
Address : 18 Godown Street, Chennai 600001, Tamil Nadu (India)
eRail.in wishes you a happy & safe journey.

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The information displayed on this site is based on the information collected from the various sources. This site contains information about the train fares, train route, time schedule of Indian Railways. The information provided on this site is intended for personal non-commercial use. The train fare, train route, time schedule and such other information listed on this site are only indicative and are subject to change from time to time without any prior notification. eRail.in does not warrant or represents that the prices/time/route indicated on this site shall be the same as at the time of purchase / booking or intended purchase / booking or any other purpose or usage. The prices indicated on this site are published fares taken from the respective sources. The users are requested to please check directly with the respective third party sources for promotional offers, time schedule, train routes and such other information, if any.
