GNWL, PQWL, RLWL Ticket Cancellation / Refund Rules
What is GNWL, PQWL, RLWL Ticket Cancellation / Refund Rules?
- Waitlisted e-Ticket(GNWL, PQWL, RLWL) on which status of all the passengers is on waiting list even after preparation of reservation charts, names of all such passengers booked on that Passenger Name Record (PNR) shall be dropped from the reservation chart and Refund of fare will be automatically credited in Bank Account in 3 to 7 working days after deducting the clerkage.
- In case of fully waitlisted e-Ticket, refund after deducting clerkage will be processed automatically in the same account through which the payment was made at the time of booking.
- General Cancellation Refund Rules
Waitlisted Counter Ticket
If you have Waitlisted Counter Ticket & Ticket has not confirmed, the passenger should travel only in unreserved coach or he has to cancel the ticket.
GNWL, PQWL, RLWL Ticket Cancellation Charges / Clerk Charges:
Clerk Charges per passenger (GST Additional for AC Class)
Class → | 1A/EC | 2A | 3A | CC | FC | SL | 2S |
Confirmed → | 240 | 200 | 180 | 180 | 200 | 120 | 60 |
RAC/WL → | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 | 60 |