Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
मुजफ्फरपुर जंक्शन रेलवे स्टेशन
Station Code: MFP

Muzaffarpur railway station enquiry phone number is 0621-2213034 .
Muzaffarpur railway station address is Muzaffarpur railway station, Motijheel -Imlichatti Road, Motijheel Muzaffarpur, Bihar.
Muzaffarpur Junction railway station Code is MFP, an A1 category railway station in the Sonpur division of East Central Railway. Muzaffarpur Junction is located in Muzaffarpur city, the headquarters of Muzaffarpur district in the Indian state of Bihar. The station ranks 46th out of 75 A1 category stations of Indian Railways included in the Cleanness Survey conducted by IRCTC in 2017. Muzaffarpur is amongst the top hundred booking stations of the Indian Railway.
Sonpur is the divisional headquarters, and all the trains passing through this route have stoppages here. Several electrified local passenger trains and express trains run from Muzaffarpur to neighbouring destinations.

Tourist Places near Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
- Jubba Sahni Park 2.7km from Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
- Ramchandra Shahi Museum 2.5km from Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
- Garibnath Temple 1.6km from Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
- First Planetarium of India 1.3km from Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
- Devi Mandir 1.9km from Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
Platforms | 06 |
Parking | Yes |
WiFi | Yes |
Public Transport | Yes |
Retiring/ Dormitory Rooms | Click here, (How to book) |
Cloak Room | May or May not be available |
Restaurants | Yes |
Public Transport
Jai prakash narayan airport, patna is the nearest airport. Distance between Patna Airport to Muzaffarpur Junction railway station is almost 80km.
Nearest Bus stand to Muzaffarpur Junction railway station is Imlichatti (Mal Godown), Station Road Ramdayalu Nagar Muzaffarpur is the nearest bus stop from railway station.
Nearest Taxi stand to Muzaffarpur Junction railway station is just outside the railway station. 24 hrs. Taxis and autorickshaws are available from the exit gates of Railways Station to anywhere in city.
Hotels near Muzaffarpur Junction railway station
Hotel Atithi | 6.6km |
Hotel Minakshi International | 0.2km |
Hotel Kanishka International | 0.8km |
Hotel New Milan | 2.5km |