Puri Railway Station
पुरी रेलवे स्टेशन
Station Code: PURI

Puri railway station phone number is 097981 82872 .
Puri railway station address is Puri railway station, Puri, Odisha 752002.
Puri railway station retiring room is very good and well maintained, Orissa Railways has the Auto rickshaw counter for tourists to book to different places from railway station.
Puri railway station code is PURI, It is the major station of Odisha state. Puri Station is a Terminal train station.
The Khurda Road-Puri section was opened to traffic on 1 February 1897.The railway station was renovated in 2012 into a more traditional Hindu temple structure with more facilities. The Bengal Nagpur Railway was nationalized in 1944.Eastern Railway was formed on 14 April 1952 with the portion of East Indian Railway Company east of Mughalsarai and the Bengal Nagpur Railway. In 1955, South Eastern Railway was carved out of Eastern Railway. It comprised lines mostly operated by BNR earlier. Amongst the new zones started in April 2003 were East Coast Railway and South East Central Railway. Both these railways were carved out of South Eastern Railway.

Tourist Places near Puri railway station
- Ramachandi Temple 0.5km from Puri railway station
- Gundicha Temple 1.4km from Puri railway station
- Puri sea beach 2.5km from Puri railway station
- Shree Jagannath Temple 2.7km from Puri railway station
- Konark Sun Temple 35km from Puri railway station
Platforms | 8 |
Parking | Yes |
WiFi | Yes |
Public Transport | Yes |
Retiring/ Dormitory Rooms | Click here, (How to book) |
Cloak Room | Yes |
Restaurant's | Yes |
Public Transport
Biju Patnaik airport, bhubaneshwar is the nearest airport to puri railway station at a distance of nearly 60 kilometres.
Puri Bus Station is the nearest bus stop for railway station. Buses available almost for everywhere in the city from the station.
Taxis and autorickshaws are available from the exit gates of Railways Station to anywhere in city.
Hotels near Puri Junction Railway Station
Mahodadhi Palace Puri | 2.9km |
Blue Lily Beach | 5.7km |
Toshali Sands | 8km |
The Chariot | 7km |